2023 Readfield Comprehensive Plan!


On May 17 at 6:30pm at the Town Office we will hold an informational meeting on the Comprehensive Plan Update. 

Direct Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89810926281?pwd=dTdQK1ZXVFlsS1RqYmZTbEVRYitFUT09%C2%A0
Dial-in:  +1 929 436 2866
Meeting ID:  898 1092 6281
Passcode:  038512

The public can participate in person, or remotely by using the online ZOOM platform with Meeting ID: 898 1092 6281 and Passcode: 038512 or by calling (929) 436-2866.

Thanks to the dedication of the Comprehensive Plan Committee and the contributions of hundreds of residents the 2023 update of Readfield's Comprehensive Plan is complete!  The Comprehensive Plan, or “Comp Plan” as it is often called, takes stock of where our town is and then sets goals for where the town's residents want it to be in the future.  Readfield’s Comp Plan has sought to protect the Town's rural residential character while making efficient use of public services and encouraging managed growth.  It was last revised in 2009.

The updated plan is on the June 13, 2023 Town Meeting Secret Ballot.  If you'd like to learn more please reach out to any member of the Committee, contact the Town Office, or visit the Comprehensive Plan Webpage.