Happening Tomorrow; Weds, October 25th - Time is running out to schedule your appointment.... Readfield Rabies Clinic - Schedule Your Appointment NOW!


Wednesday, October 25, 2023; starting at 4:00 PM

Call 207-685-4939 to schedule your appointment - Anjelica is waiting to take your call!!!!

Appointments & Pre-Payment are Required!

$15.00 per Dog / Cat

When calling to make your appointment, please have all your information on your dog/cat so we can complete the registration form in advance, thank you.

Previous record of vaccination must be shown to receive a 3 year vaccination

Pets need to be on a leash or in a pet carrier - depending on the weather this may be inside or outside!

This clinic is open to anyone - Not just Readfield residents!

Readfield Residents can also register their dogs for the 2024 year starting October 15th and can do so on the day of the clinic! $6.00 if spayed of neutered/ $11.00 if unaltered 
All dogs over the age of 6 months are required by Maine Law to be registered in the Town in which they reside/live in.
 Dog registrations are due by December 31, 2023.