Transfer Station Disruptions and Safety


Over the past several weeks operations at the Readfield Transfer Station have been repeatedly disrupted by an individual creating safety issues by walking through traffic, approaching vehicles uninvited, yelling and waving literature, distracting drivers, obstructing handicap parking spaces, disregarding and threatening Transfer Station Staff, and physically obstructing the flow of traffic.  This behavior is unacceptable, unlawful, and disrespectful to everyone who uses the transfer Station and pays taxes to support its operation.  This weekend it resulted in major safety risks at the North Road entrance and the unplanned closure of the Transfer Station for 30-45 minutes while staff and law enforcement attempted to address multiple issues.  This was an unnecessary burden for affected residents.  It needs to stop and we are looking at a number of maintain safety and minimize disruption going forward.

The Town of Readfield supports free speech and has had a policy in place for nearly three years that established a safe location for political speech and other activities at the Transfer Station.  This Activity Policy is supported by our Waste Disposal and Recycling Ordinance.  Both of these documents can be viewed by selecting their respective links.  There is no suppression of free speech happening at the Transfer Station.  Candidates for elected office and petitioners have safely and successfully interacted with the public on many occasions without intentionally disrupting Transfer Station activities.  I want to thank them for respecting their fellow citizens, and thank our residents for their patience as we work through this issue.

Eric Dyer, Readfield Town Manager